Top 5 Things that can cause Anxiety in Summer

by | Jul 24, 2024 | Anxiety

As temperatures rise and days lengthen, summer is often synonymous with relaxation and fun in the sun. However, for many individuals, this season can bring about unexpected challenges that lead to heightened anxiety levels. At Kingsway Counselling, we understand that seasonal changes can impact mental health in profound ways. Here are the top five reasons why summer can trigger anxiety, and how counselling can offer a path back to balance.

1. Social Pressures and Expectations

Anxiety Amidst the Sunny Days

Summer often comes with a slew of social pressures and expectations. From family gatherings to social events and vacations, the pressure to maintain a picture-perfect summer can be overwhelming. For some, social anxiety peaks during this time, leading to feelings of inadequacy or fear of judgment in social settings. Counselling provides strategies to manage these anxieties effectively, offering tools to navigate social situations with confidence and ease.


2. Financial Stress

Managing Financial Anxiety in the Heat

The financial strain associated with summer activities can be a significant source of anxiety for many individuals and families. Whether it’s the cost of vacations, childcare during school breaks, or even higher utility bills due to increased energy usage, financial worries can escalate during this season. Counselling sessions can help individuals develop budgeting skills, cope with financial stress, and explore healthy ways to prioritize spending without sacrificing mental well-being.


3. Body Image Concerns

Navigating Body Image Anxiety in Swimsuit Season

 As temperatures soar, so does the pressure to achieve a certain body image idealized by summer culture. For those struggling with body image issues, wearing revealing clothing like swimsuits can exacerbate anxiety and self-esteem issues. Counselling offers a safe space to address body image concerns, fostering self-acceptance and promoting positive self-talk. Therapeutic techniques such as cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) can help individuals challenge negative thought patterns and build a healthier relationship with their bodies.


4. Disrupted Routines and Structure

Coping with Anxiety Amidst Summer Schedule Changes

 Summer often disrupts established routines and structures, which can be unsettling for individuals who thrive on predictability. Children out of school, altered work schedules, and changes in daily rhythms can create a sense of chaos and uncertainty. Counselling sessions provide tools to establish new routines, manage time effectively, and cope with the anxiety that arises from transitions. By developing adaptive strategies, individuals can navigate seasonal changes with greater resilience and reduced stress.


5. Fear of Missing Out (FOMO)

Addressing Anxiety Stemming from Fear of Missing Out

In the age of social media, the fear of missing out (FOMO) can intensify during the summer months. Seeing others’ highlight reels of vacations, parties, and activities can trigger feelings of inadequacy and loneliness. Counselling helps individuals manage FOMO by fostering a deeper understanding of their own values and priorities. By focusing on meaningful experiences and cultivating gratitude, individuals can combat comparison anxiety and embrace their unique journey.


Your Path Back to Balance

At Kingsway Counselling, we recognize that anxiety can manifest in various forms throughout the summer season. Whether you’re struggling with social pressures, financial stress, body image concerns, disrupted routines, or FOMO, our experienced counsellors are here to support you. Through personalized counselling sessions, we provide practical strategies and emotional support to help you regain control and find peace of mind.

Don’t let anxiety overshadow your summer. Take the first step towards a healthier, more balanced life by scheduling a counselling session with Kingsway Counselling today. Together, we can navigate the challenges of summer and empower you to embrace the season with confidence and resilience.

Let’s work together to make this summer a season of growth, healing, and joy.


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Kingsway Counselling is home to a group of like-minded licensed Therapists that offer both in-person and virtual sessions. 


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